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You won't speak at every event you want

You won't speak at every event you want

So, let's imagine you've decided to start speaking at events. You write your session title and abstract (a few lines that explain the session) and then submit them to the event you want to speak at.

But you don't get in—they didn't accept your session.

As event organisers ourselves, let us reassure you—there are at least dozens of reasons why a session doesn't make it to the final agenda. Don't be discouraged, and don't take it personally.

I wasn't accepted at a local tech event for the second year in a row. So what? Move on. Choose another event. Submit again. That's what I did recently, and surprise, surprise—I got in and delivered a session at the largest dev event in Europe.

Don't give up, and be patient. You'll make it. There is a huge demand for speakers globally. Just keep going.