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Don't answer this way

Don't answer this way

Was looking at this interview with Sam Altman and I can't help but notice two things:

  1. Sam Altman's vocal fry. Something I have mentioned to many of the people we work with. Not sure if he's intentional there, but I truly hope he will soon. It'll help him tremendously.
  2. His "That's a good question!" answer to one of the questions that Lex Fridman asked him maybe an hour into the interview.

The latter is something that surely made Fridman think: "Wait, weren't my other questions good so far!?". Even though he didn't say anything, you can see it on his face. And that's the problem with this answer. It makes it look like all previous and upcoming questions that don't get this response are, well, not good. And you don't want to leave people with that impression.

How to improve? One option is to remain silent for a second and then answer the question with the enthusiasm the interviewer or the audience deserves. Try it the next time and let me know how it went.