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When should your Q&A be?

When should your Q&A be?

The end of your talk is crucial and you want to use it to make sure that you increase the chances of your audience doing what you're asking them to do. That's why you (hopefully) have a CTA - call to action.

But where is the QA then if not at the end?

Well, it could be throughout the talk but that's risky. Because of timing.

Here's an idea for you to try next time:

  1. Decide how much time you want to spend on QA. Let's say - 5 mins.
  2. When you're 6 - 7 minutes before the end, say something like:
    "Before we wrap up and I share my final thoughts, we have 5 minutes for questions". (This way you've prepared them there's more to come)
  3. Take the questions if such (don't forget to repeat each so that the audience can hear it and you give yourself some time to think).
  4. Move on with a summary, your CTA and then motive (why they should do what you are asking them to do) in the remaining 1 - 2 mins:
    So today we discussed <x>. What comes next is you/us doing <y> because if we do (don't do) <y>, what follows is <z> (desired state or issue we/they don't want to have).

Test this out. Let us know how it went.