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ZoomIt, DemoPro and more

ZoomIt, DemoPro and more

No, I am not referring to badly designed slides that have so much text that the audience can barely read what's on them.

I am talking about these moments when you have to show something different from your slides on the screen - a budget file, how something works, a piece of code, etc. In these moments, how do you guarantee that your audience can see and follow what you're presenting with ease? Well, you use additional software:

  1. ZoomIt for PC - gives you zooming + annotation capabilities for free. No e-mail required even. It's that free.
  2. DemoPro for Mac - gives you only the annotations and is a one-time 2$ purchase. And as for the zooming - just use the brilliant built-in feature Mac has. Open Accessibility settings -> Zoom -> Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom.

Download the one you need and play with the hotkeys. If needed, adapt them to suit your working style as well.