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Launching a digital product is not what it used to be

Creating presentations for launch events of new products is not something new for us. When DappRadar - The World's Dapp Store, came with a request to help their CEO with the presentation for the introduction of the RADAR Token, there was no way we were missing the chance to help. We have done many product launch decks. But one that's to be presented in the metaverse and in particular in the Somnium Space, that's new! And we like to be challenged and try new things. It's even in our name: "labs".


Everyone on the team had to get familiar with the specifics of the industry we were presenting. We always immerse ourselves in the business and the specifics of our clients but this one was truly something new for everyone involved. Thus, we started by reading and simply consuming everything we could get our hands on.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Final touches

Step 1


As the subjects of web3, blockchain and decentralized apps(dapps) were something very new for us, we had to do our homework first. Dozens of whitepapers, articles and videos later, we already had some ideas on how to present DappRadar's token in such a way that it creates excitement across the DappRadar's community. What's more, by utilisng and implementing techniques from the world of storytelling, we increased the chances for getting the audience's attention and keeping it till the end. And we needed that because how do you excite someone who's not engaged in first place? 

Step 2


This is not your typical corporate brand. We know. However, that doesn't mean we are not complying with the identity that DappRadar provided to us. Now, did we enhance it? Yes. Absolutely we did. With the help of Greek mythology statues e.g. Atlas to reflect the challenges and responsibilities we are embarking on. What's more, the colors and elements used are linked to the glitch effect which we use in alignment with the Greek mythology statues - mixing old and new for the comparison of the old and new realities.

Step 3


Animations played a huge role in this project. Because of the nature of the subject and the overall expectations of the audience. These type of technologies are all about something that's completely new and as result, we wanted to do something different. We utilised the full arsenal of features that PowerPoint gives us to create movement between an on the slides that you would rarely see in a product launch.

Step 4

Final touches

As the presentation was about to be delivered inside of the metaverse, the final steps were not just the usual ones. We again pushed ourselves to cut the size of the file to its minimum without, of course, losing quality but also did some heavy testing on how is the deck going to be displayed having in mind that we were only able to use PowerPoint Online and not the desktop app.

The results

The presentation was very well received and the token launch was a successful event for DappRadar. So successful they asked us to help them design the official whitepaper for the RADAR token too.




Weeks avg. project execution

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Sommet Education
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Kendall Haven